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  • Does anyone know where can I buy Subutex online?

    What is it? Do they shrink you and attach your feet to a plastic base? 😀

    ‘Subutex (buprenorphine hydrochloride) and Suboxone tablets (buprenorphine hydrochloride and naloxone hydrochloride) is approved for the treatment of opiate dependence. Subutex and Suboxone treat opiate addiction by preventing symptoms of withdrawal from heroin and other opiates.’

    Q&A on this substance

    TBH, i’d be surprised if there was any regularly available on the internet… it is very difficult to get it prescribed in the UK, and prescriptions are often stopped immediately if a clean urine/blood sample cannot be produced.

    In France, however, you can go to a GP in any town with a reasonable number of heroin users and just ask for a scrip. It costs about ÂŁ6 to see doc and under ÂŁ1 per fairly large pill.

    most opiate replacements that are sold on the black market move between addicts that know each other…they need money NOW, waiting for paypal (or even having a bank card) is not an option, so internet sales are unlikely. This is a carefully controlled drug. Shame that wasn’t the case with Shipman’s medicine cabinet:(

    Go to a GP in France and get a scrip for Subutex but how easy is that?

    Do you have to register with the GP or can you just walk in off the street so to speak? Is there a waiting list?

    – (Iam desperate and the waiting list here is 6-8 weeks+)

    all GPs in France are private… that means you can just walk in… but you have to pay the doc for his time and pay for the ‘scrip and pay for each individual tablet (about 2 euros each for subutex i believe)

    this doesn’t happen in every town or city… so you need to choose a town with a significant heroin problem… try Beziers? Marseille?

    and a lot of doctors might still block you… so choose one who is likely to have a high number of herion addicts visiting their surgery and you’ll stand a better chnace of getting the scrip you want

    Subutex still ain’t a wonder cure, but it’s effects offer the best relief from withdrawl that I’ve heard of

    and good luck

    In France 8mg of subutex or buprenorphine costs only 3 or 4 EUROS on the street…

    deep wrote:
    does anyone know where can I buy subutex pills online?

    No dont know were you can get um on line, but why not try your docter im on subutex and at first couldnt get anyone to prescribe but if you keep on to um and show um you do want to get clean then they will help. its worth a try, why do you want um on line?

    Unregistered wrote:
    No dont know were you can get um on line, but why not try your docter im on subutex and at first couldnt get anyone to prescribe but if you keep on to um and show um you do want to get clean then they will help. its worth a try, why do you want um on line?

    good effort mate… stick with it and good luck

    i can see why people try other routes of getting sub tho… in lots of parts of the country there’s a long waiting list and as I’m sure you know, sickness gets worse if left untreated

    deep wrote:
    does anyone know where can I buy subutex pills online?
    hello man.. have you found somwhere to by subutex online. or if you have a lot you mabe can send me as many you can.. greetings from a subutex addict in sweden.. peace and rave on
    Unregistered wrote:
    in france it cost for 8MG of subutex or buprenorphine 3 or 4 EUROS in the street only…

    hello. canÂŽt you buy an 100 subutex and send it to sweden/ thanks

    I haven’t found it anywhere online.This thing about buying it in France is possible.I even searched in Lisboa for it,but no use without prescription.I’m from Montenegro,Yugoslavia,and here that medicine isn’t approved by our authorities.So if any one is in position to buy in France just let me know.

    PLEASE BE CAREFUL – all of you.

    you are discussing on an open messageboard potentially importing a controlled substance across national borders. you can’t easily buy it online because people can get nicked (or you’d just hand over some euros to get a nasty letter from the customs authorities).

    whilst its not as controlled as methadone (for instance in the UK it is class C like cannabis) penalties vary, and bringing stuff across borders is nearly always treated more seriously than even simple posession in one country.

    cops and customs authorities may not believe you are “just trying to get off heroin” – to them you are strill a drug trafficking gang.

    this board, like all message boards is open to all. cops also read here as well as ravers and drug users.

    In some countries, the security forces also routinely any monitor net traffic which may relate to the dealing of drugs. This can be a lot easier than you think, in most EU countries the infrastructure for internet connections is still provided by the national telephone companies with strong links and alliegances to government.

    I get the impression you are all after subutex to get well and have a better life and can understand why there is some desperation here, but please do not incriminate yourselves and get into further trouble!

    Incidentally I found this whilst researching the substance – I don’t understand much Swedish but it may be of use to the Swedish poster.

    MĂ„ndag 28 juni 2004, 8.00

    Subutex finns pÄ svarta marknaden

    Subutex Ă€r en modern variant av Metadon, som sedan tidigare anvĂ€nds för att – strĂ€ngt kontrollerat – behandla heroinmissbrukare. Nu sprids Subutex pĂ„ den svarta marknaden i Göteborg. MĂ„nga socialt fungerande personer stĂ„r just nu i kö för att avgiftas frĂ„n det heroinliknande lĂ€kemedlet. Det hĂ€r Ă€r nĂ„got vi lĂ€nge varnat för, sĂ€ger Karina Stein, vĂ„rdenhetschef för avgiftningsavdelning 605 och för metadonprogrammet i Göteborg. För Erik Blomstrand, stf chef för narkotikaroteln, kom det som en nyhet att det finns folk som gĂ„r direkt pĂ„ subutexmissbruk utan att först missbruka heroin. (KĂ€lla: Göteborgspostens nĂ€tupplaga, söndag 040627, ©

    Mer om information om hÀlsa frÄn

    as for deep, can you not register with a doctor in PT to get the prescription? Perhaps if more people start moving around EU for better or more appropriate treatment, then finally the health ministries may realise that some treatments should be harmonised! We are after all the same human beings whatever nation we are in.

    Personally I think all EU-nations should instruct their health authorities to prescribe subutex as required, but unfortunately the politicians don’t have courage to take this step 🙁

    a word of warning as an agonist subutex willkick off any opiates present from your neuro-receptors precipatingimmediate withdrawel a fucking killer cluck, make sure you are clucking before you take it to ensure you only get the positive effects, its a bout 50% of a heroin high and leaves you mentall/emotionally clear which for anyone using meth or gear to smother emotional stuff may not be fun.

    cliffchuff wrote:
    a word of warning as an agonist subutex willkick off any opiates present from your neuro-receptors precipatingimmediate withdrawel a fucking killer cluck

    source for that please?

    most smack addicts i know use both subutex and H in the same day… subutex to help them through a long night, and H as per usual in the day






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