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  • yeah well thats part of the problem – not only is there misunderstanding of the english but the english he is using isnt getting whatever it was he was trying to say across

    Agent Subby is a guy:wink:

    and yes mixing subutex with other opiates is foolhardy especially as it is designed to block their effects :you_crazy:you_crazy:you_crazy but the account at the start of the thread is wicked wreckage’s not mine
    there is a warning on the packaging telling you not to mix subutex and other opiates and it must be there for a reason:weee:

    what was it that made you take the decision to get your life back ellycat?

    well done for making that decision and sticking to it by the way – that takes guts

    yeah innit. thanks for talking to me and i’m going to bed now. i hope we can chat some more on another day. goodnite.
    :bounce_fl :bounce_fl :bounce_fl

    its a good idea – i might try that:wink:

    take care and speak soon:love:

    raj wrote:
    what was it that made you take the decision to get your life back ellycat?

    well done for making that decision and sticking to it by the way – that takes guts

    because i’m sick of the lifestile. never had any money and used to nick money from me mam and dad. i feel dead horrible now and i think they wont talk to me again. i’m lucky tonite cause i’m on my mates computer. but i dont have one myself. maybe i can start saving money now cause i dont spend it on herroin innit. i have to go to bed now cause me mates shouting me. goodnight and thank you and if you speak to agent suby wil you tell him a big up from me. ta.

      Ellycat wrote:
      can anyone give me agent subys e.mail addres so i can write to him please

      Ill ask him if its okay..:love:

      But ill not promise anything 🙂

      Ellycat wrote:
      because i’m sick of the lifestile. never had any money and used to nick money from me mam and dad. i feel dead horrible now and i think they wont talk to me again. i’m lucky tonite cause i’m on my mates computer. but i dont have one myself. maybe i can start saving money now cause i dont spend it on herroin innit. i have to go to bed now cause me mates shouting me. goodnight and thank you and if you speak to agent suby wil you tell him a big up from me. ta.

      Hey Ellycat my congratulations on your switch over to subutex from methadone. YES you’ve took the right option mate as you probably know. When you post again on here let me know whether you have a relapse prevention plan in place. In the meantime keep going strong and we’re all rooting for you in your quest to be finally free from opiates. Hope to here from you soon. All my love and support. S.:love: :love:

      wicked wreckage

      de quelle manier votre ami avait use la subutex? avec hypodermic ou par bouche?
      et la methodone – de quelle manier?

      il a des autres conditions au meme temps? hep C ou aucun chose qui vout connais?

      j’ai lit extensivement apres vou m’avais envoyez cette information e j’ai trouve beacoup de chose sur la subutex que je n’ai connait

      je vos remerci

      Agent Subby wrote:
      Hey Ellycat my congratulations on your switch over to subutex from methadone. YES you’ve took the right option mate as you probably know. When you post again on here let me know whether you have a relapse prevention plan in place. In the meantime keep going strong and we’re all rooting for you in your quest to be finally free from opiates. Hope to here from you soon. All my love and support. S.:love: :love:

      Thanx agent suby. ive not had any gear now for long time. subbutex is the dogs bollocks innit. i dont know how long to stay on it though. I dont get on with my key worker because hes a perv and keeps chating me up the filth bag. Your posts are really helping me and the info on subutex has been relly good. im typing this in a hurry cause im not supposed to on my mates computer innint. any way thanzx for the support and i’m in court next week si i hope the judge dunt send me down cause i;ll be at square one again. Bin in prison before and i’m sick of the dykes making a play on me. If i do go down would you plaese write to me for support. you can e.mail me if you want to. Nice one agent from your admirer.
      Love Zoe.:love: :love: :love:

      anything anyone wants to tell us about their subutex experience?

      [good or bad – your experiences may help others :groucho:]

      well ive just made the swap from methadone to sub, ill start another forum anyway…

      SubutexDetoxer wrote:
      well ive just made the swap from methadone to sub, ill start another forum anyway…

      welcome to partyvibe


      whats your subutex plan?

      Heroin should be prescribed to drug addicts to curb crime, the deputy chief constable of Nottinghamshire has said at a drugs conference.

      Howard Roberts told an Association of Chief Police Officers’ conference in Manchester the idea should be assessed.

      He said the treatment would cost £12,000 a year per addict but added that drug users steal property valued at an average of £45,000 a year.
      The idea is being piloted in London, the South East and North of England.

      ‘Terrible consequences’

      “At the moment across the country we see levels of burglary, robbery and murder being committed by drug-fuelled addicts who are doing so in order to get the money to buy the drugs,” Mr Roberts told the conference.

      “One of the things I have found is that as a treatment it has been highly effective in actually helping to reduce crime.

      “We’ve seen good levels of falls in drug-related acquisitive crime.

      “However, there is still a considerable problem and what I am suggesting is that we need to explore, as part of a treatment programme, the prescribing of heroin to addicts in order to take them out of the illegal market.”

      He added: “Of course, getting people off drugs altogether must be the objective.

      “But I do believe that we have lived with the terrible consequences of relatively uncontained addiction for far too long.

      “If we are to make a greater impact we need to fundamentally address the method of operation of the criminal market-place for heroin.”

      Improve treatment

      The manager of a Nottinghamshire-based support service for families of drug users supported the police chief’s call.

      “I’m delighted that police are taking drug treatment options more seriously and have been doing so over the last few years,” said Nina Dauban, manager of Mansfield-based Hetty’s.

      In the past police have been forced to go down the enforcement and criminal justice route that doesn’t always solve the problem.

      “There is a lot of criminality around drugs, reducing the level of criminality is really important in improving treatment for addicts.

      “All tribute to him saying this. It is typical of Nottinghamshire Police not to be frightened to speak about their convictions.

      “We’re not here to win a popularity contest – we’re out to improve services for drug users.”

      Martin Barnes, chief executive of drugs charity DrugScope, said: “There is compelling evidence that heroin prescribing, although more expensive than some forms of drug treatment, is cost-effective in reducing drug-related crime and other costs to communities.”

      Nicola Metrebian, from the charity Action on Addiction, said they were doing research which would “compare the effectiveness of injectable methadone and injectable heroin to oral methadone” for a group of hard to treat heroin users.

      In the Department of Health pilots, 300 to 400 drug users receive heroin for their addiction.

      Similar schemes in Holland and Switzerland reported some users turning away from crime.

      Published: Wednesday, 22 November 2006
      © BBC MMVI

      The article is here

      Sounds like good sense to me – anyone else think so or disagree?

      seems basic common sense to me

      I have never understood why the drugs programs use methadone to try and help opiate addicts get clean; its more addictive and more toxic than the heroin it is supposed to replace and probably more expensive too






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