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  • :crazy_diz

    horrible stuff!

    @game1984 377409 wrote:

    i defo hear ya mate, i found it hard to get back out with my m8s when i came off so course feeling like that ive relapsed. but today is my 1st day no meth or subbys feel like shit tho. i think this time i gotta make more of an effort to gte back ionto society if u know what i mean.

    who the smeg are you?!!?! someone has stolen my identity!

    hy im italian and i take and i have subuxone 8mg original for hospital.
    i take it and you?

    yes i know were you can get them

    @p0ly 401617 wrote:

    Erowid Experience Vaults: Buprenorphine with Naloxone (Suboxone) & LSD – Long Withdrawals and Spiritual Death – 80777

    he needs to stop taking cocktails of drugs.

    he decided to stop taking a drug that finally helped him so he could trip on LSD and get a positive high? what a fucking idiot.

    Subutex, yes it is easy to access online, as well as Temgesic but the price is very high as the sellers know exactly what they can get for it. What you need is direct access to someone who is in the pharmaceutical industry and not going to take your money and run. At present the GP’s in UK know what people are up to when they ask for buprenorphine hydrochloride and the government guidelines are not to prescribe unless necessary so it’s pretty difficult to get hold of here in UK. Best price I have found is £1 per 0.2mg Temgesic next day delivery and no prescription required.

    Hey there. I am in the same situation. I need to get off opiates…pain killers…I am in the middle of a divorce and every doctor I have seen will not prescribe it because I am on klonopin for anxiety disorder. The irony is I do not abuse the klonopoin I take it as prescribed. I am going broke buying norco, vicodin, etc., from “neighbors”. Is there a legitimate site where I can buy suboxone online or subutex and detox at home. I am willing to go to NA meetings etc. I want help. I got hooked on pain killers from a legit doctor and now if I do not take it opiates I go into massive withdrawals…chills, diarrhea, sweats, and feel like crap….Help! Thanks and Peace. I want to get clean and feel “normal” again. This has ruined my life. I have lost my marriage, friends, and myself….I am a good person with a problem–addiction. Again thanks if anyone replies… 🙂

    @Susan1972 431128 wrote:

    Hey there. I am in the same situation. I need to get off opiates…pain killers…I am in the middle of a divorce and every doctor I have seen will not prescribe it because I am on klonopin for anxiety disorder. The irony is I do not abuse the klonopoin I take it as prescribed. I am going broke buying norco, vicodin, etc., from “neighbors”. Is there a legitimate site where I can buy suboxone online or subutex and detox at home. I am willing to go to NA meetings etc. I want help. I got hooked on pain killers from a legit doctor and now if I do not take it opiates I go into massive withdrawals…chills, diarrhea, sweats, and feel like crap….Help! Thanks and Peace. I want to get clean and feel “normal” again. This has ruined my life. I have lost my marriage, friends, and myself….I am a good person with a problem–addiction. Again thanks if anyone replies… 🙂

    More pills aren’t gonna help, why don’t you try detoxing without Subutex? If you’re really serious about wanting to quit right now then go for it.

    [FONT=Tahoma, Calibri, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif]Susan your story is a reflection on mine unfortunately and feel for you, post me and may be able to help with some surplus 8mg Subs I’m hoping I won’t need[/FONT]

    @General Lighting 32422 wrote:

    have a look from post 25 onwards and you will see posts from both a user (same chap who did our rehab diary and who is on a similar dose to you) and a trained drug worker about dosage levels and the switch from methadone to subutex.

    Good luck with trying to get clean..

    NB: I am not a doctor/medical professional, I have never been addicted to opiates and this site is not intended to be a substitute for your own primary care team.. so any action you take is at your own risk…. that said AFAIK Elliot is alive and well…

    i switched from methodone to subtex. I give it 2 weeks of the meth and took gear (Heroin) instead of smoking it i injected small amounts as the heroin is suppost to stay on your Tongue and teeth for days. i left it 18-24hours after my last heroin use and had no bad symptoms at all. I was it bit uncomfortable but was able to continue work. I would advise anyone to swap from meth to subs it works and lasts much better/

    @Raj 66688 wrote:

    whatever you wish you had known before you tried the drug in question:groucho: about the comedown / cleanup period

    so all or just one category as the mood takes you:wink:

    /me says that was no help


    i´ve got a lot of experience about comedowns or cleanups… Since nearly 10 years polytox, MAIN DRUGs Opiats, downers…. I can share my own tips to come down and can give u informations where u can get the right meds, like subutex, methadone, codein, etc.
    Maybay we can help us together to reach our goalsetting….. 😉

    i can help …..






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